Money through ads (basics)

So you heard about people making money from there website or a blog by using ads and looking to do the same. If you have anything to tell to the world it is very likely you can pull this off. Everywhere there are people that love to hear your stories, lectures, opinions and even complaints. But in order to earn a good amount of money, you should be aware that the most important parts of making money through ad campaigns is generating traffic. You have to put some effort in, but by the time you have a audience all your work will pay off. If you are after the big money you should consider create content for a high value niche but more on that later. In this blog i will guide you through all the steps to become a internet entrepreneur. It's all up to you if you are to become successful at it.

 So what is this Adsense?

Google Adsense opens up the opportunity to monetize your content. Although there are many other ad programs Adsense is the most widely known and widely used. You can not have missed the ads google itself displays on it's page. This is the main income for Google and these same ads are going to earn you money as well. With Google Adsense you have the opportunity to display those on your own website or blog. Every time a person clicks or views an ad on your site linked to your Adsense account you will be paid around 60% of the value of that particular ad that has been shown or clicked.

So how much can you earn?

Obviously a click is worth more then a view but a payment per view guarantees you money when someone visits your website and such an ad is being generated. But ads that pay per view have a very low pay rate. You might need thousands of views for a couple of dollars. These ads are also known as CPM or Cost per Impressions and mostly go by thousands impressions.

The other one is CPC or Cost per Click. These can earn you the most, anywhere between a couple of cents to $50 per click. So my advice is to always go with CPC ads, unless you have a audience that does not click your ads but more in the next blog. The amount of commission you will earn for a CPC ad depends on the market you are targeting. Because Google searches your website or blog for keywords relevant ads show up more often. So if you write about dogs you will most likely get ads about dog food that might only pay around 1 dollar per click. There are plenty of niche that pay out more, i bet you can think of some. Yes sex always sells but markets like finance, insurance, employment, mortgage do very well too, if not even better. More of those in my next blog.

So how do you start?

Well first of all you need a somewhere to put up your content. There are several options to choose from, in fact you are looking at one now, blogging sites. There are a couple of very good once such as Tumblr, Wordpress or this one blogger. These sites are free and the content gets relatively picked up fast by the search engines. But you have less control over your content. Where Wordpress definitely gives you the most control it might not be enough for you.

You could always start your own website. This option requires you to buy a domain name and web hosting. But together they should not cost you more then $30 a year. Making your own website from scratch can be a very challenging task but surely gives you the most flexibility. You control all the content, you can optimize it for search engines and market it yourself. But there is a big chance you find building your own website a daunting task. So two more options arise, let someone build it and keep the freedom or look into website builder software like Jimdo or Squido. They are easy to understand but again take some away from the flexibility of your content.

Where does Adsense come in?

Once you created some content and generating some traffic you can go to and sign up for an account. You will have to fill out some simple forms and apply. Once your application gets reviewed and accepted, which should not be a problem in 99% of the cases you can start adding ads to your website or blog.

If you have build the site yourself you should add the HTML code provided by Adsense to you pages. Within Adsense you can setup how you want to display your ads, within your content, on the side, both, etc. On blogging sites like this or Wordpress you can add widgets for Adsense. Even better, since Blogger is part of the google network it you can just enable adsense in the settings of your blog.

So now you know all the basics, let's dive into some tips, trick end more advanced methods on how to create a successful campaign in the next blog.

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