Money through ads (Traffic)

So we talked about all the basics you need to know about earning money from your very own online content. But you might not be earning much or nothing at all. Do not worry that happened to all of us in the beginning, or at least to me when i just started out. The most important in this stage is to pres on with what your doing. In this part of the ads blog we will have a deeper look in some of the things i pointed out in the previous blog.



At this stage you probably urge to know how to generate traffic to your site. The truth is that there are dozens of ways to do that. Like i said above, more content equals more traffic but more content also helps to keeping your traffic on your site and even have them come back. Maybe to look something up, look for new content or even show it to some friends. More content means more keywords and pages search engines can find. So what are some other ways? 

 Social Media


A very obvious one is social media. If you do not have twitter or do not want to use your original account for it make one. Start looking for people that have the same interests and follow them. Most of them will follow back and they have a high chance of seeing your tweets. Yes tweets, small messages of 140 characters where you can put links in. These links count as back-links, which i again discuss later. Other then that, people who search for words in your tweets might stumble upon it and check out your site, and even follow you to see more of your tweets about it. There are similar sites as Twitter, you might want to look up some of them and start spreading the word there too.

Facebook is also a very popular platform to promote. Under your existing account you can create a project page and ask all your friends to like it. So there friends see they liked it and they might like it too. See where i am going? This might create a chain reaction of people really like your content and can create a ton of those back-links sooner or later.

If you feel comfortable talking on camera you might want to consider putting your video's up on Youtube. On Youtube it is fairly easy to create traffic and you can make back-links to your page in the comments. Whenever you do this, go for quality video's, i usually click everything away under 480p and even that is bad quality most of the time.

These platforms are all up for grabs to make some free promotion. You also have hundreds of relative boards you can post in. Be aware that posting you site for promotion is often not allowed but making links in your signature often is, which creates back-links. Try to communicate and get known on the site and people will visit your site and might even help promoting it without even knowing it.



So what are back-links exactly? These are links to your site anywhere around the internet. If Google or other search engines finds these it rates your page higher since it seems more popular. The big trick is to let others post those back-links for you but in order to do that you need more traffic. So you can push yourself slowly in the right direction.

This takes a little more effort but what you could do is make more of the same or slightly different content and link those together into a loop. So you have your site linking to some blogs and these blogs link to each other  and your site. Have signatures on boards linking to those and if one gets popular the others benefit.



Ads really do work, that is why you get paid for having them on your site. So why not promote your own site through ads? Investments are often the key of being successful. For example on Facebook you can create a add that targets specific people. You can create a add that costs you 5 cents when someone clicks on it (and goes to your website). You can set any fixed maximum, let's say $100 and let it target males from age 18 to 30 that are interested in cars. You can make your add really specific so only people see it when they have a interest for it. So once they click it they often stay and view your content. Guess what, if you set your site and Adsense up right they show mostly relevant ads. So relevant for you new visitor as well and you might earn that 5c back double right away.

Now you know everything i know about generating traffic. Yes it takes effort, but nothing comes free. The best once things get rolling your ads can earn you a lot of money without putting in much effort. If you have original content it is almost unavoidable since there are always people interest. But keep in mind, if they can find the same content on other popular sites they wont bother.

In the next and last part i will go into generating more revenue from your ads per click.

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